Teenager's Thoughts
Thursday, June 29, 2006
The story about the 1 dollor bill and the 100 dollor bill ( #1)
Once upon a time , there was a 1 dollor bill and a 100 dollor bill. For the 1 dollor bill had been to so many places that he had so many storys to tell his granddad , the 100 dollor bill.
One time the 1 dollor bill said to the 100 dollor bill "Just yesterday in great China , someone put me into charity and then just ten minutes later the mininster pulled me out and took me to buy a sunday from McDonalds. Then the worker came home with me in his wallet and then the next day flew he to Dallas TX.I manage to escapeand come back to you , granddad."The 100 dollor bill said "What a wonderfull story , 1 dollor bill! I'll tell you a story .Over ten years ago , a greedy boy found me on the sidewalk. He pick me up and ran home. Then he put me in a drawer greedly whispering "No one will have any money but me if I start stealing."The boy kept stealing from milliniares , police and sometimes his sister. But one day I manage to slip out along with the other stolen money. I help the stolen money get back to its owners and then I walked home to tell the story to you. The End"Then after story time , the 1 dollor bill went to bed and the 100 dollor bill went back to his house so the 100 dollor bill can tell the story to his wife , 90 dollor bill.
And that's the story of the 1 dollor bill and the 100 dollor bill.
( #2 coming 2 weeks from now )
Oh what a cute story....so Mystery Girl....what would the kids name be if 1$ gets married?
It depends.
What's it depending on?
what he wants to name then. with the wife's agreement of course.
you'll find out in #18. thats a long way away.
#2 is coming out pretty soon.
ihope you like #2. when it comes out of course.
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